Founded on December 8, 1980, Coopercam started its activities in an accounting office of one of its founding directors. Soon after, he rented a commercial property to install the first store and a small warehouse to receive coffee. In 1984, it acquired an area of 32 thousand/m² and in 1986, started the construction of two sheds: one of 96m² for the store and another of 450m² for the storage of coffee. In 1987 the new headquarters were inaugurated, where it is currently located.
Coopercam is made up of around 1,800 active members, operating in 15,000 ha of coffee, covering the municipalities of Campos Gerais, Campo do Meio, Córrego do Ouro district and surrounding cities.
With around 150 employees, it has two sectors that are responsible for Coopercam’s total revenue: the Coffee Department and the Technical-Commercial Department, with input stores in Campos Gerais, Campo do Meio and Córrego do Ouro district. Coopercam’s total coffee storage capacity is currently 500,000 static bags.
The Cooperative’s management is managed by a Board of Directors, composed of nine cooperative members elected at the General Meeting, seven of whom are permanent and two substitutes. Three directors are responsible for the executive board. It also has a Fiscal Council, composed of six members also elected at the General Meeting, three of them effective and three substitutes.
Coopercam, in more than 40 years of activities, supports its members through guidance on crop care, technical lectures, field days, technical trips and all necessary support in the field, and with the dissemination of new technologies for production. of coffee with greater profitability and quality.
Our mission as a cooperative is to enhance the economic growth and integral development of our members, based on sustainable practices and cooperative values.
By 2034, we aim to be recognized as leaders in solutions that boost the productivity, quality and profitability of cooperative members, introducing new technologies in a responsible way towards society and the environment.
The values that guide us are credibility, reliability, transparency, commitment and ethics.
José Márcio Rocha
CEOJosé Afonso Gomes
Administrative DirectorJosé Eduardo Vanzela
Commercial directorEffective Board of Directors
José Márcio Rocha
José Afonso Gomes
José Eduardo Vanzela
Maurício Miarelli
Denilson José da Silva
Rosenir Campos Júnior
Rodrigo Miarelli
Achiles Magno dos Santos
Joaquim Celso de Carvalho
Effective Fiscal Council
Gilmar Francisco da Silva
Adão Marques
Jugivani Júnio de Lima
Gilberto Carlos da Cruz
Edivar de Oliveira
Daniel Ferreira de Castro
Time line
On December 8, at the initiative of 28 rural producers, Coopercam was founded in Campos Gerais. Coopercam’s first headquarters was on Rua Belo Horizonte, a 60m² store rented for the sale of tools and fertilizers.
The current headquarters, located at Avenida Dr. Alfredo Barbalho Cavalcante, begins to be built.
The Campos Gerais store opens.
The first coffee warehouse and a store for the sale of inputs were inaugurated.
Construction of the second warehouse, with a static capacity for 40 thousand bags of coffee.
Creation of the Coffee Department.
Restructuring of the Coffee Department, with the creation of the classification and tasting room.
The Commercial Department is undergoing a remodeling.
Construction and opening of a new coffee warehouse, with a capacity of 120 thousand bags.
Coopercam acquires a Parmalat building and starts the Dairy activities.
First business fair with the objective of offering agricultural inputs with special prices and conditions to cooperative members Opening District Córrego do Ouro Store
More than 220 thousand bags of coffee were received.
Inauguration of the Campo do Meio store.
In place of the annual fairs, the first edition of the Coopercam Business Day was held, as a result of the increased participation of suppliers and the interest of cooperative members.
Inauguration of the new cafeteria and restrooms of the coffee warehouses, and asphalt paving was carried out around the cooperative.
Acquisition of a digital telephone exchange and implementation of a digital administrative system for greater speed and security in all operations.
Renovation of the physical structure with expansion of training and meeting rooms.
Construction of warehouse four, with a capacity of 70,000 bags. With this new space, the storage capacity rises to 300,000 bags of coffee.
– Enlargement of the Campo do Meio store.
First edition of the Circuit of Technology, with the objective of presenting the technological innovations of the coffee culture to the associated producers of Coopercam.
Coopercam participates, for the first time, in Dia C – Cooperar Day, a project of the Ocemg System.
Receipt of coffee in bulk/bags.
Creation of the ReciclAção Project.
The 1st Business Round (in new format) was held.
Installation of the RFID traceability system for greater accuracy of stocks.
Restructuring of the warehouse, deposit of pesticides, feed and salt.
Coffee Super Harvest.
Inauguration of the new Coopercam Tasting Room. The project was an initiative of the companies AGF, Unicafé, Marubeni and Coopercam.
Coopercam carries out in a new format, the Coffee Quality Contest, with the objective of recognizing, encouraging and promoting the coffee produced by its members.
Coopercam creates the Natal Sorriso Social Project, with the objective of collecting food and toys for needy families.
Start of construction of new warehouses for storing fertilizers (Location – Estrada Fortaleza).
Coopercam launches the Recicla+ Socio-environmental Project, which encourages, among employees and cooperative members, the correct disposal of batteries.
Installation of a Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant at its headquarters in Campos Gerais.
Record for receiving coffee at Coopercam warehouses: 550,886 bags.
Acquisition of new land for the Campo do Meio and Córrego do Ouro branches.
First coffee shipment to Japan.
First edition of the Input Show, with the offer of fertilizers, pesticides and machinery with special prices and payment conditions.
Coopercam holds the first edition of the Coffee Culture in Focus Photography Contest, with the objective of encouraging the cooperative member to contemplate the rural universe that surrounds him and capture inspiring images that are part of his daily life.
A new coffee storage unit was inaugurated at the Campo do Meio branch, with 2,700 m² and a capacity for 100,000 coffee bags.
With 390m² and 5,550 items available to cooperative members, the main store is reopened and the parts store for tractors and automobiles is inaugurated.